Puppet Class: phabricator::almanac
- Defined in:
- manifests/almanac.pp
This class can be used to register an Almanac device usingOverview
Class for registering an Almanac device.
./bin/almanac register
. See the
Almanac User Guide for further information.
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# File 'manifests/almanac.pp', line 14
class phabricator::almanac(
String $device,
Optional[String] $identity,
String $private_key,
) {
$device_id_path = "${phabricator::install_dir}/phabricator/conf/keys/device.id"
$private_key_path = "${phabricator::install_dir}/phabricator/conf/keys/device.key"
file { 'phabricator/conf/device.key':
ensure => 'file',
path => $private_key_path,
content => $private_key,
owner => $phabricator::daemon_user,
group => $phabricator::group,
mode => '0600',
notify => Exec['almanac register'],
require => Vcsrepo['phabricator'],
$_options = [
"--device ${device}",
"--private-key ${private_key_path}",
if $identity == undef {
$identity_option = undef
} else {
$identity_option = "--identify-as ${identity}"
$options = delete_undef_values(concat($_options, [$identity_option]))
# TODO: The `strict_indent` check doesn't seem to work properly here. See
# https://github.com/relud/puppet-lint-strict_indent-check/issues/11.
# lint:ignore:strict_indent
exec { 'almanac register':
command => "${phabricator::install_dir}/phabricator/bin/almanac register ${join($options, ' ')}",
creates => $device_id_path,
user => $phabricator::daemon_user,
group => $phabricator::group,
require => [
# lint:endignore
if $phabricator::storage_upgrade {
Exec['bin/storage upgrade'] -> Exec['almanac register']
# TODO: This is dirty, but there's no way that we can accurately determine
# whether `Class[phabricator::daemons]` exists in the catalogue. I think that
# the solution here is to make the `phabricator::almanac` and
# `phabricator::daemons` classes private (using `assert_private()`), and to
# instead use flags to determine whether these classes should be included
# (e.g. `$phabricator::almanac = true` and `$phabricator::daemons = true`).
Exec['almanac register'] -> Service <| title == 'phd' |>