Puppet Class: phabricator::aphlict
- Defined in:
- manifests/aphlict.pp
This class manages Aphlict, Phabricator's real-time notificationsOverview
Class for installing Aphlict.
service. See Notifications User Guide: Setup and Configuration.
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# File 'manifests/aphlict.pp', line 16
class phabricator::aphlict(
Array[Phabricator::Aphlict::Server] $servers,
Array[Phabricator::Aphlict::Peer] $peers,
String $user,
) {
$config = {
servers => $servers,
logs => [
path => "${phabricator::logs_dir}/aphlict.log",
cluster => $peers,
pidfile => "${phabricator::pid_dir}/aphlict.pid",
file { 'phabricator/conf/aphlict.json':
ensure => 'file',
path => "${phabricator::install_dir}/phabricator/conf/aphlict/aphlict.custom.json",
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
notify => Service['aphlict'],
require => Vcsrepo['phabricator'],
# TODO: Use an EPP template instead of an ERB template.
content => inline_template('<%= @config.to_json %>');
user { $user:
ensure => 'present',
comment => 'Phabricator Aphlict',
gid => $phabricator::group,
home => $phabricator::pid_dir,
managehome => false,
shell => '/usr/sbin/nologin',
system => true,
include nodejs
nodejs::npm { 'ws':
ensure => 'present',
target => "${phabricator::install_dir}/phabricator/support/aphlict/server",
notify => Service['aphlict'],
require => Vcsrepo['phabricator'],
# TODO: The `strict_indent` check doesn't seem to work properly here. See
# https://github.com/relud/puppet-lint-strict_indent-check/issues/11.
# lint:ignore:strict_indent
systemd::unit_file { 'aphlict.service':
ensure => 'file',
content => epp('phabricator/aphlict.systemd.epp', {
command => "${phabricator::install_dir}/phabricator/bin/aphlict",
user => $user,
group => $phabricator::group,
runtime_directory => $phabricator::runtime_directory,
notify => Service['aphlict'],
# lint:endignore
# TODO: Should we also specify `hasrestart => true`? According to the
# documentation the default value is `false`, although I am somewhat
# surprised by this.
service { 'aphlict':
ensure => 'running',
enable => true,
require => [
subscribe => [
logrotate::rule { 'aphlict':
ensure => 'present',
path => "${phabricator::logs_dir}/aphlict.log",
compress => true,
copytruncate => true,
delaycompress => true,
ifempty => false,
missingok => true,
rotate => 7,
rotate_every => 'day',
su => true,
su_user => 'root',
su_group => $phabricator::group,